diff options
authorGene Pasquet <dev@etenil.net>2025-02-11 22:32:24 +0000
committerGene Pasquet <dev@etenil.net>2025-02-11 22:32:24 +0000
commit3a7d14ff0088a912a8c0e4b844dc4e661ee97189 (patch)
parent48d65af9a5945b4532965270cb2e0cccd235b606 (diff)
Refactor the crap out of Bedrock
-rw-r--r--early-substrate.el (renamed from early-init.el)17
12 files changed, 253 insertions, 1325 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 57e2c53..d26ee10 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,57 +1,39 @@
-# Emacs Bedrock
+# Emacs Substrate
-Stepping stones to a better Emacs experience
-## Synopsis
-An *extremely* minimal Emacs starter kit uses just one external package by default, and only GNU-ELPA packages on an opt-in basis. Intended to be copied once and then modified as the user grows in knowledge and power.
-As of 2024-02-07, Bedrock is officially hosted on [Codeberg](https://codeberg.org/ashton314/emacs-bedrock).
- - [Old project on SourceHut](https://sr.ht/~ashton314/emacs-bedrock/)
- - [GitHub](https://github.com/ashton314/emacs-bedrock) (just a place holder)
+A clean basis to organically grow your config onto.
**NOTICE:** Requires Emacs 29.1 or better.
## Description
-This is a minimal Emacs starter kit. Like, *really* minimal. Here's the short of the philosophy:
+This is a minimal Emacs base config. Here's the short of the philosophy:
- Focus on using default, built-in Emacs behavior
- Yes, we all love our fancy third-party packages. This starter kit focuses on what is built-in to Emacs. Why? Because there are too many good packages and picking and choosing the best is a joy we leave to the user.
- - Explain every customization and encourage modification
- The goal of this starter kit is to encourage end-user adaptation and growth. All of the `.el` files should be legible and, more importantly, justify in plain English the rationale for adding the configuration they do.
+ - Emacs-lisp centric, encourage configuration through code
+ - Allow update and upgrade of substrate
- No magic
- We keep things *crushingly* simple here. That means no fancy loadable modules or whatnot. Everything is as straight-forward as can be.
+## Installation
-There are two files of interest: `early-init.el` and `init.el`.
+To install emacs-substrate, clone this repository somewhere, then create the files:
-### `early-init.el`
+;; ~/.emacs.d/early-init.el
+(add-to-list 'load-path "<path-where-emacs-substrate-was-cloned>")
-The early init file uses *strictly* built-in Emacs features to do the following:
- - Improve startup time
- - Set up initial frame behavior
-### `init.el`
-This is where the meat of all configuration goes. This file:
+(require 'early-substrate)
- - Add minor UI niceties (e.g. clock in the tab-bar, full-screen by default, etc.)
- - Set the default theme (`modus-vivendi`)
- - Turn on discovery aids (e.g. `help-quick`, [which-key](https://github.com/justbur/emacs-which-key), etc.)
+;; ~/.emacs.d/init.el
+(require 'substrate)
-### Trying this out without committing too hard
+;; Set custom variables here
-Emacs 29.1 added the handy `--init-directory` flag. This means that you can run `emacs --init-directory path/to/emacs-bedrock/` and all the customizations and package installations will be isolated to the project directory. Emacs should only add files that are already in the `.gitignore`.
-Once you're happy, you should just copy `init.el` and `early-init.el` to `~/.emacs.d/`.
+;; The rest of your config below
## Screenshots
@@ -63,155 +45,10 @@ Basic code editing: line numbers and `hl-line-mode`.
![Editing the source code of Emacs Bedrock's init.el file while using Bedrock configuration](screenshots/basic_code_editing.png)
-`which-key` package in action: hit `C-x` and wait for a second to get a pop-up window of what all next available keybindings are.
-![Which key package in motion](screenshots/which_key.gif)
-[Movie of `which-key` in motion](screenshots/which_key.mov)
-Basic completion: hit `TAB` twice to pull up the `*Completions*` buffer, then `TAB` once again to automatically put the cursor into that buffer. (Configurable to pull up and auto-select faster, of course, but this behaves closer to the stock Emacs experience.)
-![Still from the built-in completion interface, new with Emacs 29.1](screenshots/basic_builtin_completion.png)
-Basic completion interface in action.
-![GIF of the completion interface in action](screenshots/basic_completion.gif)
-[Movie of the completion interface in action](screenshots/basic_completion.mov)
-A bunch of bells and whistles:
- - Vertico completion framework enabled (`base.el` extra)
- - Consult enabled for buffer-switching preview (`base.el` extra)
- - Corfu completion-at-point enabled (`base.el` extra)
- - Smooth scrolling (enabled by default)
-[Movie of all the bells and whistles turned on](screenshots/everything_demo.mov)
-## Extras
-For those who'd like a little more help in tailoring Emacs for specific purposes, the `extras/` folder contains a few Emacs Lisp files with example configurations for various packages. You can copy just the config you want into `init.el` or include them wholesale via `(load-file "~/.emacs.d/extras/file-name.el")`.
-**NOTE:** If you copy the `extras/` directory to `~/.emacs.d/` or wherever you're setting `user-emacs-directory`, then simply incrementing the appropriate lines in the `init.el` file should work.
- - Base UI Enhancements
- - Development tools
- - Org-mode
- - Vim refugee
- - Researcher
- - Email (TODO: mu4e, EBDB)
-#### Base UI Enhancements: `extras/base.el`
-Packages this extra adds:
- - [Avy](https://github.com/abo-abo/avy)
- - [Embark](https://github.com/oantolin/embark)
- - [Vertico](https://github.com/minad/vertico)
- - [Marginalia](https://github.com/minad/marginalia/)
- - [Corfu](https://github.com/minad/corfu)
- - [Consult](https://github.com/minad/consult)
- - [Orderless](https://github.com/oantolin/orderless)
- - [wgrep](https://github.com/mhayashi1120/Emacs-wgrep)
-Along with a few ancillary packages that enhance the above.
-These are some of the best UI enhancements that Emacs has to offer. Vertico and Consult make common operations like searching files, switching buffers, etc. a breeze. Corfu enhances the "completion at point" (aka "tab-to-complete") to show a little popup window like what you'd be used to in e.g. VS Code.
-Avy is the fastest way to move around in a buffer, and it can do a *lot*.[^1] Embark is kind of like a right-click context menu, but entirely keyboard driven.
-wgrep makes grep buffers editable. This means you can `consult-ripgrep` → search project → `embark-act` → `embark-export` → `wgrep-change-to-wgrep-mode` to do search-and-replace across an entire project in one fell swoop. See [Warp Factor Refactoring](https://lambdaland.org/posts/2023-05-31_warp_factor_refactor/) for more on this workflow.
-#### Development tools: `extras/dev.el`
-Packages this extra adds:
- - [magit](https://magit.vc)
- - Markdown, YAML, and JSON modes
-Magit is the best Git interface in the known universe. Some people use Emacs just so they can use Magit. It's that good. Entry point is bound to `C-c g` by default.
-Built-in packages that this extra configures:
- - [Eglot](https://github.com/joaotavora/eglot) ([Language Server Protocol (LSP) client](https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/))
- - Treesit ([Tree-Sitter](https://github.com/tree-sitter) support)
-Both of these packages are new in Emacs 29. **Be sure to run `M-x treesit-install-language-grammar` to install the language grammar you'll need before editing a file the respective language for the first time!** This is a quirk of how the built-in tree-sitter works; packages like [treesit-auto](https://github.com/renzmann/treesit-auto) can help with this if it becomes too much of an annoyance.
-#### Org-mode: `extras/org.el`
-This extra configures `org-mode`. There is a *lot* that Bedrock cannot configure out of the box—you will need to modify all variables to fit your file system and needs, as explained in comments in the file.
-#### Vim refugee: `extras/vim-like.el`
-Packages this extra adds:
- - [Evil](https://github.com/emacs-evil/evil)
-If you like Vim keybindings, then this is the extra for you. It configures `evil-mode` and enables it, so you get Vim-like keybindings all throughout Emacs. I understand that this is the best Vim emulation outside of Vim itself. I use `evil-mode` in all my work.
-Other packages that I use personally, but are not on GNU or non-GNU ELPA and so left out of the config include:
- - [Evil-Collection](https://github.com/emacs-evil/evil-collection) Add Evil-friendly keybindings to lots of corners of Emacs
- - [Evil-Leader](https://github.com/cofi/evil-leader) Setting a prefix (i.e. "leader") key
- - [Origami](https://github.com/gregsexton/origami.el) Code folding
-#### Researcher: `extras/researcher.el`
-Packages this extra includes:
- - [Citar](https://github.com/emacs-citar/citar)
- - [Denote](https://protesilaos.com/emacs/denote)
-Citar provides a completing-read interface into your bibliography and can automatically insert citations in LaTeX, Markdown, and org-mode.
-Denote is a simple note taking system that doesn't rely on any tools except some common Unix utilities like `grep` and `find`.
-Citar lives in [Melpa](https://melpa.org/), so you will need to [add Melpa to your package-archives](https://melpa.org/#/getting-started).
-#### Writing: `extras/writer.el`
-Packages this extra adds:
- - [Jinx](https://github.com/minad/jinx)
- - [Olivetti](https://github.com/rnkn/olivetti)
-Jinx is the spell-checker you will wish every program had.
-Olivetti automatically balances window margins so your text stays nice and centered—handy for wide monitors.
-#### Email `extras/email.el`
+## Philosophy
-## Using
-Clone this repository wherever. Then you should copy `early-init.el`, `init.el`, and (optionally, recommended) `extras/` into your `~/.emacs.d/` repository:
-git clone https://codeberg.org/ashton314/emacs-bedrock.git
-mkdir -p ~/.emacs.d/
-cp emacs-bedrock/early-init.el ~/.emacs.d/
-cp emacs-bedrock/init.el ~/.emacs.d/
-cp -r emacs-bedrock/extras ~/.emacs.d/
-Fire up Emacs and you're good to go!
-### Philosophy
-Many people are looking for a good set of defaults and some easy-to-use switches that let Emacs get out of the way and let them work on what they want to. This is fine. This is not what Bedrock tries to do.
-Emacs is the most customizable piece of software in existence. (No citation needed.) My goal with Bedrock is to make Emacs a little nicer by enabling some things that I personally think should be enabled by default. Bedrock goes a little further by suggesting a few well-built packages that go on to enhance the experience.
-Bedrock encourages inspection and modification. I don't plan on making some core that periodically gets updated. You can think of this as just some guy's config that you wanted to adopt.
-As an example of a deliberate choice, the `help-quick` buffer pops open on startup. Once a user has gotten used to this, they can just go into their `init.el` file and modify it themselves to remove that hook if they don't like it. It's a simple one-line change, and only users who are ready for it will do it.
-When I started learning Emacs, my dad gave me his `.emacs` file. (That's what we used back in ye olden days instead of `.emacs.d/init.el` and stuff.) I used it without modification for many years. Eventually I learned how to write my own functions and customizations. This package aims to give other users a similar experience. When someone comes to me and expresses their desire to learn Emacs, I can point them at this to help them get over the initial hump, but not coddle them so much that they're afraid or unable to change things to their liking.
## Requirements
Emacs 29.1 or later.
@@ -223,102 +60,8 @@ Emacs 29.1 is, as of 2023-09-04, the latest stable release. The specific feature
- Built-in tree-sitter support
- Built-in LSP client (Eglot)
-## Development
-This is version `1.3.1`.
-As of `1.0.0`, no new `use-package` declarations will be added to `init.el`. No promises on the extras!
-I welcome any feedback you may have. You can [open issues](https://todo.sr.ht/~ashton314/emacs-bedrock) or [drop me a line](https://lambdaland.org/#contact) directly with any comments or suggestions.
-Thanks to all the folks who have contributed suggestions and bug reports. Thank you also for being patient with me as I work on this project as a hobby. :)
-### Roadmap
-See the [issue tracker](https://codeberg.org/ashton314/emacs-bedrock/issues) on Codeberg.
-## Changelog
- - 1.4.0
- 2024-12-14
- Add `extras/writer.el`.
- - 1.3.1
- Fix consult-history binding in Eshell to not override `isearch-backwards`. (#13)
- - 1.3.0
- Change magit keybinding to standard `C-x g`; drop non-standard ones. (Thanks Vincent Conus!)
- Don't set `C-s` to `consult-line` in `extras/base.el`; instead, use the recommended keybindings from the Consult manual. (Thanks Enzo Do rosario, Thomas Riccardi, and Preston Hunt for discussion!)
- Add sample Denote config.
- Improve latency by slowing down auto-revert polling. (Thanks Jeff Johnson!)
- - 1.2.0
- 2023-09-21
- Add packages [Cape](https://github.com/minad/cape) (+ basic configuration) and wgrep. Add a binding for `consult-ripgrep`.
- - 1.1.0
- 2023-09-08
- Rename "mixins" → "extras", as mixin has the flavor of being some kind of special thingy. "Extra" gets at the purpose of these files.
- - 1.0.0
- 2023-09-04
- First "stable" release! Line number width improved, fix default load paths, expand Eglot and Vertico config, fix Corfu load.
- - 0.2.1
- 2023-06-20
- Minor bug fixes; add Embark package.
- - 0.2.0
- 2023-03-14
- Flesh out the `mixin/vim-like.el` so that there's *some* Vim configuration.
- - 0.1.0
- 2023-01-17
- Begin work on `mixin/org.el`, turn on windmove-mode.
- - 0.0.2
- 2023-01-03
- Reorganize to slim down `early-init.el` and add the first mixin files.
- - 0.0.1
- 2023-01-03
- Initial "release".
-## Authors
+## Credits
Creator and maintainer:
- Ashton Wiersdorf https://lambdaland.org
- - Justin Koh
- - George Kettleborough
- - Enzo Do Rosario
- - Ed Singleton
- - Vincent Conus
-[^1]: https://karthinks.com/software/avy-can-do-anything/
diff --git a/early-init.el b/early-substrate.el
index 9782b87..a4396c0 100644
--- a/early-init.el
+++ b/early-substrate.el
@@ -1,14 +1,3 @@
-;;; ________ _______ __ __
-;;; / | / \ / | / |
-;;; $$$$$$$$/ _____ ____ ______ _______ _______ $$$$$$$ | ______ ____$$ | ______ ______ _______$$ | __
-;;; $$ |__ / \/ \ / \ / |/ | $$ |__$$ |/ \ / $$ |/ \ / \ / $$ | / |
-;;; $$ | $$$$$$ $$$$ |$$$$$$ /$$$$$$$//$$$$$$$/ $$ $$</$$$$$$ /$$$$$$$ /$$$$$$ /$$$$$$ /$$$$$$$/$$ |_/$$/
-;;; $$$$$/ $$ | $$ | $$ |/ $$ $$ | $$ \ $$$$$$$ $$ $$ $$ | $$ $$ | $$/$$ | $$ $$ | $$ $$<
-;;; $$ |_____$$ | $$ | $$ /$$$$$$$ $$ \_____ $$$$$$ | $$ |__$$ $$$$$$$$/$$ \__$$ $$ | $$ \__$$ $$ \_____$$$$$$ \
-;;; $$ $$ | $$ | $$ $$ $$ $$ / $$/ $$ $$/$$ $$ $$ $$ | $$ $$/$$ $$ | $$ |
-;;; $$$$$$$$/$$/ $$/ $$/ $$$$$$$/ $$$$$$$/$$$$$$$/ $$$$$$$/ $$$$$$$/ $$$$$$$/$$/ $$$$$$/ $$$$$$$/$$/ $$/
;;; Basic settings for quick startup and convenience
@@ -16,8 +5,6 @@
;; Startup speed, annoyance suppression
-(setq bedrock--initial-gc-threshold gc-cons-threshold)
-(setq gc-cons-threshold 10000000)
(setq byte-compile-warnings '(not obsolete))
(setq warning-suppress-log-types '((comp) (bytecomp)))
(setq native-comp-async-report-warnings-errors 'silent)
@@ -28,6 +15,8 @@
;; Default frame configuration: full screen, good-looking title bar on macOS
(setq frame-resize-pixelwise t)
(tool-bar-mode -1) ; All these tools are in the menu-bar anyway
+(menu-bar-mode -1)
+(scroll-bar-mode -1)
(setq default-frame-alist '((fullscreen . maximized)
;; You can turn off scroll bars by uncommenting these lines:
@@ -40,3 +29,5 @@
(foreground-color . "#ffffff")
(ns-appearance . dark)
(ns-transparent-titlebar . t)))
+(provide 'early-substrate)
+;; End of early-substrate.el
diff --git a/extras/base.el b/extras/base.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f4dd1a..0000000
--- a/extras/base.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
-;;; Emacs Bedrock
-;;; Extra config: Base enhancements
-;;; Usage: Append or require this file from init.el to enable various UI/UX
-;;; enhancements.
-;;; The consult package in particular has a vast number of functions that you
-;;; can use as replacements to what Emacs provides by default. Please see the
-;;; consult documentation for more information and help:
-;;; https://github.com/minad/consult
-;;; In particular, many users may find `consult-line' to be more useful to them
-;;; than isearch, so binding this to `C-s' might make sense. This is left to the
-;;; user to configure, however, as isearch and consult-line are not equivalent.
-;;; Contents:
-;;; - Motion aids
-;;; - Power-ups: Embark and Consult
-;;; - Minibuffer and completion
-;;; - Misc. editing enhancements
-;;; Motion aids
-(use-package avy
- :ensure t
- :demand t
- :bind (("C-c j" . avy-goto-line)
- ("s-j" . avy-goto-char-timer)))
-;;; Power-ups: Embark and Consult
-;; Consult: Misc. enhanced commands
-(use-package consult
- :ensure t
- :bind (
- ;; Drop-in replacements
- ("C-x b" . consult-buffer) ; orig. switch-to-buffer
- ("M-y" . consult-yank-pop) ; orig. yank-pop
- ;; Searching
- ("M-s r" . consult-ripgrep)
- ("M-s l" . consult-line) ; Alternative: rebind C-s to use
- ("M-s s" . consult-line) ; consult-line instead of isearch, bind
- ("M-s L" . consult-line-multi) ; isearch to M-s s
- ("M-s o" . consult-outline)
- ;; Isearch integration
- :map isearch-mode-map
- ("M-e" . consult-isearch-history) ; orig. isearch-edit-string
- ("M-s e" . consult-isearch-history) ; orig. isearch-edit-string
- ("M-s l" . consult-line) ; needed by consult-line to detect isearch
- ("M-s L" . consult-line-multi) ; needed by consult-line to detect isearch
- )
- :config
- ;; Narrowing lets you restrict results to certain groups of candidates
- (setq consult-narrow-key "<"))
-;; Embark: supercharged context-dependent menu; kinda like a
-;; super-charged right-click.
-(use-package embark
- :ensure t
- :demand t
- :after avy
- :bind (("C-c a" . embark-act)) ; bind this to an easy key to hit
- :init
- ;; Add the option to run embark when using avy
- (defun bedrock/avy-action-embark (pt)
- (unwind-protect
- (save-excursion
- (goto-char pt)
- (embark-act))
- (select-window
- (cdr (ring-ref avy-ring 0))))
- t)
- ;; After invoking avy-goto-char-timer, hit "." to run embark at the next
- ;; candidate you select
- (setf (alist-get ?. avy-dispatch-alist) 'bedrock/avy-action-embark))
-(use-package embark-consult
- :ensure t)
-;;; Minibuffer and completion
-;; Vertico: better vertical completion for minibuffer commands
-(use-package vertico
- :ensure t
- :init
- ;; You'll want to make sure that e.g. fido-mode isn't enabled
- (vertico-mode))
-(use-package vertico-directory
- :ensure nil
- :after vertico
- :bind (:map vertico-map
- ("M-DEL" . vertico-directory-delete-word)))
-;; Marginalia: annotations for minibuffer
-(use-package marginalia
- :ensure t
- :config
- (marginalia-mode))
-;; Corfu: Popup completion-at-point
-(use-package corfu
- :ensure t
- :init
- (global-corfu-mode)
- :bind
- (:map corfu-map
- ("SPC" . corfu-insert-separator)
- ("C-n" . corfu-next)
- ("C-p" . corfu-previous)))
-;; Part of corfu
-(use-package corfu-popupinfo
- :after corfu
- :ensure nil
- :hook (corfu-mode . corfu-popupinfo-mode)
- :custom
- (corfu-popupinfo-delay '(0.25 . 0.1))
- (corfu-popupinfo-hide nil)
- :config
- (corfu-popupinfo-mode))
-;; Make corfu popup come up in terminal overlay
-(use-package corfu-terminal
- :if (not (display-graphic-p))
- :ensure t
- :config
- (corfu-terminal-mode))
-;; Fancy completion-at-point functions; there's too much in the cape package to
-;; configure here; dive in when you're comfortable!
-(use-package cape
- :ensure t
- :init
- (add-to-list 'completion-at-point-functions #'cape-dabbrev)
- (add-to-list 'completion-at-point-functions #'cape-file))
-;; Pretty icons for corfu
-(use-package kind-icon
- :if (display-graphic-p)
- :ensure t
- :after corfu
- :config
- (add-to-list 'corfu-margin-formatters #'kind-icon-margin-formatter))
-(use-package eshell
- :init
- (defun bedrock/setup-eshell ()
- ;; Something funny is going on with how Eshell sets up its keymaps; this is
- ;; a work-around to make C-r bound in the keymap
- (keymap-set eshell-mode-map "C-r" 'consult-history))
- :hook ((eshell-mode . bedrock/setup-eshell)))
-;; Eat: Emulate A Terminal
-(use-package eat
- :ensure t
- :custom
- (eat-term-name "xterm")
- :config
- (eat-eshell-mode) ; use Eat to handle term codes in program output
- (eat-eshell-visual-command-mode)) ; commands like less will be handled by Eat
-;; Orderless: powerful completion style
-(use-package orderless
- :ensure t
- :config
- (setq completion-styles '(orderless)))
-;;; Misc. editing enhancements
-;; Modify search results en masse
-(use-package wgrep
- :ensure t
- :config
- (setq wgrep-auto-save-buffer t))
diff --git a/extras/dev.el b/extras/dev.el
deleted file mode 100644
index f1a02d4..0000000
--- a/extras/dev.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-;;; Emacs Bedrock
-;;; Extra config: Development tools
-;;; Usage: Append or require this file from init.el for some software
-;;; development-focused packages.
-;;; It is **STRONGLY** recommended that you use the base.el config if you want to
-;;; use Eglot. Lots of completion things will work better.
-;;; This will try to use tree-sitter modes for many languages. Please run
-;;; M-x treesit-install-language-grammar
-;;; Before trying to use a treesit mode.
-;;; Contents:
-;;; - Built-in config for developers
-;;; - Version Control
-;;; - Common file types
-;;; - Eglot, the built-in LSP client for Emacs
-;;; Built-in config for developers
-(use-package emacs
- :config
- ;; Treesitter config
- ;; Tell Emacs to prefer the treesitter mode
- ;; You'll want to run the command `M-x treesit-install-language-grammar' before editing.
- (setq major-mode-remap-alist
- '((yaml-mode . yaml-ts-mode)
- (bash-mode . bash-ts-mode)
- (js2-mode . js-ts-mode)
- (typescript-mode . typescript-ts-mode)
- (json-mode . json-ts-mode)
- (css-mode . css-ts-mode)
- (python-mode . python-ts-mode)))
- :hook
- ;; Auto parenthesis matching
- ((prog-mode . electric-pair-mode)))
-;;; Version Control
-;; Magit: best Git client to ever exist
-(use-package magit
- :ensure t
- :bind (("C-x g" . magit-status)))
-;;; Common file types
-(use-package markdown-mode
- :hook ((markdown-mode . visual-line-mode)))
-(use-package yaml-mode
- :ensure t)
-(use-package json-mode
- :ensure t)
-;; Emacs ships with a lot of popular programming language modes. If it's not
-;; built in, you're almost certain to find a mode for the language you're
-;; looking for with a quick Internet search.
-;;; Eglot, the built-in LSP client for Emacs
-;; Helpful resources:
-;; - https://www.masteringemacs.org/article/seamlessly-merge-multiple-documentation-sources-eldoc
-(use-package eglot
- ;; no :ensure t here because it's built-in
- ;; Configure hooks to automatically turn-on eglot for selected modes
- ; :hook
- ; (((python-mode ruby-mode elixir-mode) . eglot))
- :custom
- (eglot-send-changes-idle-time 0.1)
- (eglot-extend-to-xref t) ; activate Eglot in referenced non-project files
- :config
- (fset #'jsonrpc--log-event #'ignore) ; massive perf boost---don't log every event
- ;; Sometimes you need to tell Eglot where to find the language server
- ; (add-to-list 'eglot-server-programs
- ; '(haskell-mode . ("haskell-language-server-wrapper" "--lsp")))
- )
diff --git a/extras/email.el b/extras/email.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ff7dd4..0000000
--- a/extras/email.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-;;; Emacs Bedrock
-;;; Extra config: Email
-;;; Usage: Append or require this file from init.el for Email in Emacs. You will
-;;; need to do some heavy customization depending on your email provider.
-;;; Contents:
-;;; - Core Email Packages
-;;; - Sample Setup: Gmail
-;;; - Sample Setup: Fastmail
-;;; Core Email Packages
-;;; Sample Setup: Gmail
-;;; Sample Setup: Fastmail
diff --git a/extras/org-intro.txt b/extras/org-intro.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ca56bf4..0000000
--- a/extras/org-intro.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-Many people use Emacs just so they can use org-mode. If you're one of them,
-This is a short introduction to get an overview of what org-mode does.
-Org-mode is hard to understand because there are broadly three different things
-that org-mode does. They're related but distinct enough to make things
-confusing. We'll focus on three different use cases for org-mode:
- - org-mode as markup
- - org-mode as a task tracker
- - org-mode as a computational notebook
-Org-mode as markup
-Org-mode is first and foremost a lightweight markup language, just like
-Markdown. (In fact, they were developed at around the same time.) There are a
-few differences in syntax, but if you're already familiar with the ideas behind
-Markdown you should be just fine.
-If you've never worked with something like Markdown before, you can think of it
-as a system of special characters that indicate some formatting, e.g. you mark
-text as being *bold*, _underlined_, or /italicized/ by surrounding it with
-asterisks, underscores, and slashes respectively.
-Once you've authored a file with org-mode, you can use Emacs to export the
-org-mode into another format, like HTML, Markdown, ODT, or PDF with LaTeX. Run
-`org-export` to bring up the export menu.
-Org-mode as a task tracker
-Like Markdown, org-mode has headings. Instead of starting headings with one or
-more "#" signs, org-mode uses asterisks. An org mode heading looks like this:
- * Heading
- Lorem ipsum…
- ** Subheading
- Dolor sit amet…
- ** Another subheading
- Magister Ludi…
- * Another top-level heading
- Quam elivit…
-*Any* heading can become a task. This might feel overwhelming, and rightly so.
-For now, just start with a list of top-level headings with the TODO keyword.
- * TODO Do important thing
- * TODO Take Yessica to get her haircut
- * TODO Finish configuring Emacs
-You can associate deadlines, notes, tags, attachments, different TODO states,
-etc. to these headlines. Read the org-mode manual for more information.
-While there are cases when you might want to put a TODO item in an arbitrary
-file, most of the time these TODOs will go into an agenda file.
-The `org-directory` and `org-agenda-files` variables control where org-mode
-looks to find TODO items to generate what's called an agenda: an agenda is a
-view of all your headlines with TODO (or other states like WAITING, as
-configured) status set. The agenda usually organizes these by date and makes it
-easy for you to sort, filter, and modify these items.
-For now, just start with one org-mode file at `~/Documents/org/inbox.org`. Put
-some headings with TODO keywords in that file and save it. Be sure to add a
-deadline for today. (You can run `org-deadline` to do this automatically for
-you.) Now invoke `org-agenda`. This should pull up a buffer with those headlines
-you just added in it.
-There are too many ways you can configure this for me to describe here. Just
-start small: have one or two files in the `org-agenda-files` list to act as
-where you put your TODO items. Use the agenda to view and modify those TODOs.
-Org-mode as a computational notebook
-You can use org-mode as a kind of computational notebook. Org-mode lets you have
-blocks of source code in line, and then you can instruct org-mode to evaluate
-those blocks of code for you.
-The setup varies from language to language, and I'm not going to try to explain
-that here. If you're writing code, you should be familiar with reading
-documentation, so I'll let you do that yourself. :)
diff --git a/extras/org.el b/extras/org.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f8db71..0000000
--- a/extras/org.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-;;; Emacs Bedrock
-;;; Extra config: Org-mode starter config
-;;; Usage: Append or require this file from init.el for some software
-;;; development-focused packages.
-;;; Org-mode is a fantastically powerful package. It does a lot of things, which
-;;; makes it a little difficult to understand at first.
-;;; We will configure Org-mode in phases. Work with each phase as you are
-;;; comfortable.
-;;; YOU NEED TO CONFIGURE SOME VARIABLES! The most important variable is the
-;;; `org-directory', which tells org-mode where to look to find your agenda
-;;; files.
-;;; See "org-intro.txt" for a high-level overview.
-;;; Contents:
-;;; - Critical variables
-;;; - Phase 1: editing and exporting files
-;;; - Phase 2: todos, agenda generation, and task tracking
-;;; - Phase 3: extensions (org-roam, etc.)
-;;; Critical variables
-;;; These variables need to be set for Org-mode's full power to be unlocked!
-;;; You can read the documentation for any variable with `C-h v'. If you have
-;;; Consult configured (see the `base.el' file) then it should help you find
-;;; what you're looking for.
-;;; Phase 1 variables
-;;; Phase 2 variables
-;; Agenda variables
-(setq org-directory "~/Documents/org/") ; Non-absolute paths for agenda and
- ; capture templates will look here.
-(setq org-agenda-files '("inbox.org" "work.org"))
-;; Default tags
-(setq org-tag-alist '(
- ;; locale
- (:startgroup)
- ("home" . ?h)
- ("work" . ?w)
- ("school" . ?s)
- (:endgroup)
- (:newline)
- ;; scale
- (:startgroup)
- ("one-shot" . ?o)
- ("project" . ?j)
- ("tiny" . ?t)
- (:endgroup)
- ;; misc
- ("meta")
- ("review")
- ("reading")))
-;; Org-refile: where should org-refile look?
-(setq org-refile-targets 'FIXME)
-;;; Phase 3 variables
-;; Org-roam variables
-(setq org-roam-directory "~/Documents/org-roam/")
-(setq org-roam-index-file "~/Documents/org-roam/index.org")
-;;; Optional variables
-;; Advanced: Custom link types
-;; This example is for linking a person's 7-character ID to their page on the
-;; free genealogy website Family Search.
-(setq org-link-abbrev-alist
- '(("family_search" . "https://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/details/%s")))
-;;; Phase 1: editing and exporting files
-(use-package org
- :hook ((org-mode . visual-line-mode) ; wrap lines at word breaks
- (org-mode . flyspell-mode)) ; spell checking!
- :bind (:map global-map
- ("C-c l s" . org-store-link) ; Mnemonic: link → store
- ("C-c l i" . org-insert-link-global)) ; Mnemonic: link → insert
- :config
- (require 'oc-csl) ; citation support
- (add-to-list 'org-export-backends 'md)
- ;; Make org-open-at-point follow file links in the same window
- (setf (cdr (assoc 'file org-link-frame-setup)) 'find-file)
- ;; Make exporting quotes better
- (setq org-export-with-smart-quotes t)
- )
-;;; Phase 2: todos, agenda generation, and task tracking
-;; Yes, you can have multiple use-package declarations. It's best if their
-;; configs don't overlap. Once you've reached Phase 2, I'd recommend merging the
-;; config from Phase 1. I've broken it up here for the sake of clarity.
-(use-package org
- :config
- ;; Instead of just two states (TODO, DONE) we set up a few different states
- ;; that a task can be in. Run
- ;; M-x describe-variable RET org-todo-keywords RET
- ;; for documentation on how these keywords work.
- (setq org-todo-keywords
- '((sequence "TODO(t)" "WAITING(w@/!)" "STARTED(s!)" "|" "DONE(d!)" "OBSOLETE(o@)")))
- ;; Refile configuration
- (setq org-outline-path-complete-in-steps nil)
- (setq org-refile-use-outline-path 'file)
- (setq org-capture-templates
- '(("c" "Default Capture" entry (file "inbox.org")
- "* TODO %?\n%U\n%i")
- ;; Capture and keep an org-link to the thing we're currently working with
- ("r" "Capture with Reference" entry (file "inbox.org")
- "* TODO %?\n%U\n%i\n%a")
- ;; Define a section
- ("w" "Work")
- ("wm" "Work meeting" entry (file+headline "work.org" "Meetings")
- "** TODO %?\n%U\n%i\n%a")
- ("wr" "Work report" entry (file+headline "work.org" "Reports")
- "** TODO %?\n%U\n%i\n%a")))
- ;; An agenda view lets you see your TODO items filtered and
- ;; formatted in different ways. You can have multiple agenda views;
- ;; please see the org-mode documentation for more information.
- (setq org-agenda-custom-commands
- '(("n" "Agenda and All Todos"
- ((agenda)
- (todo)))
- ("w" "Work" agenda ""
- ((org-agenda-files '("work.org")))))))
-;;; Phase 3: extensions
-;; TODO
diff --git a/extras/researcher.el b/extras/researcher.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 132215c..0000000
--- a/extras/researcher.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-;;; Emacs Bedrock
-;;; Extra config: Researcher
-;;; Usage: Append or require this file from init.el for research
-;;; helps. If you write papers in LaTeX and need to manage your
-;;; citations or keep track of notes, this set of packages is for you.
-;;; Denote is a note taking package that facilitates a Zettelkasten
-;;; method. Denote works by enforcing a particular file naming
-;;; strategy. This makes it easy to link and tag notes.
-;;; NOTE: the Citar package lives on the MELPA repository; you will
-;;; need to update the `package-archives' variable in init.el before
-;;; before loading this; see the comment in init.el under "Package
-;;; initialization".
-;;; Highly recommended to enable this file with the UI enhancements in
-;;; `base.el', as Citar works best with the Vertico completing-read
-;;; interface. Also recommended is the `writer.el' extra config, which
-;;; adds some nice features for spell-checking etc.
-;;; Contents:
-;;; - Citation Management
-;;; - Note Taking: Denote
-;;; Critical variables
-;;; These variables must be set for Citar to work properly!
-(setopt citar-bibliography '("~/refs.bib")) ; paths to your bibtex files
-;;; These variables are needed for Denote
-(setopt denote-directory (expand-file-name "~/Documents/notes/"))
-;;; Citation Management
-(use-package citar
- :ensure t
- :bind (("C-c b" . citar-insert-citation)
- :map minibuffer-local-map
- ("M-b" . citar-insert-preset))
- :custom
- ;; Allows you to customize what citar-open does
- (citar-file-open-functions '(("html" . citar-file-open-external)
- ;; ("pdf" . citar-file-open-external)
- (t . find-file))))
-;; Optional: if you have the embark package installed, enable the ability to act
-;; on citations with Citar by invoking `embark-act'.
-;(use-package citar-embark
-; :after citar embark
-; :diminish ""
-; :no-require
-; :config (citar-embark-mode))
-;;; Note Taking: Denote
-;; Denote is a simple but powerful note-taking system that relies on a
-;; file-naming schema to make searching and finding notes easily. The
-;; Denote package provides commands that make the note taking scheme
-;; easy to follow. See the manual at:
-;; https://protesilaos.com/emacs/denote
-(use-package denote
- :config
- (denote-rename-buffer-mode)
- (require 'denote-journal-extras))
-;; Integrate citar and Denote: take notes on bibliographic entries
-;; through Denote
-(use-package citar-denote
- :after (:any citar denote)
- :custom
- (citar-denote-file-type 'org)
- (citar-denote-keyword "bib")
- (citar-denote-signature nil)
- (citar-denote-subdir "")
- (citar-denote-template nil)
- (citar-denote-title-format "title")
- (citar-denote-title-format-andstr "and")
- (citar-denote-title-format-authors 1)
- (citar-denote-use-bib-keywords t)
- :init
- (citar-denote-mode))
diff --git a/extras/vim-like.el b/extras/vim-like.el
deleted file mode 100644
index d6a8db6..0000000
--- a/extras/vim-like.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-;;; Emacs Bedrock
-;;; Extra config: Vim emulation
-;;; Usage: Append or require this file from init.el for bindings in Emacs.
-;;; Contents:
-;;; - Core Packages
-;;; Core Packages
-;; Evil: vi emulation
-(use-package evil
- :ensure t
- :init
- (setq evil-respect-visual-line-mode t)
- (setq evil-undo-system 'undo-redo)
- ;; Enable this if you want C-u to scroll up, more like pure Vim
- ;(setq evil-want-C-u-scroll t)
- :config
- (evil-mode)
- ;; If you use Magit, start editing in insert state
- (add-hook 'git-commit-setup-hook 'evil-insert-state)
- ;; Configuring initial major mode for some modes
- (evil-set-initial-state 'eat-mode 'emacs)
- (evil-set-initial-state 'vterm-mode 'emacs))
diff --git a/extras/writer.el b/extras/writer.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fe801c..0000000
--- a/extras/writer.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-;;; Emacs Bedrock
-;;; Extra config: Writer
-;;; Usage: Append or require this file from init.el for writing aids.
-;;; Jinx is a spell-checking package that is performant and flexible.
-;;; You can use Jinx inside of programming modes and it will only
-;;; check spelling inside of strings and comments. (Configurable, of
-;;; course.) It also supports having multiple languages (e.g. English
-;;; and German) in the same file.
-;;; Olivetti narrows the window margins so that your text is centered.
-;;; This makes writing in a wide, dedicated window more pleasant.
-;;; NOTE: the Olivetti package lives on the MELPA repository; you will
-;;; need to update the `package-archives' variable in init.el before
-;;; before loading this file; see the comment in init.el under
-;;; "Package initialization".
-;;; Contents:
-;;; - Spell checking
-;;; - Dictionary
-;;; - Distraction mitigation
-;;; Spell checking
-;; Jinx: Enchanted spell-checking
-(use-package jinx
- :ensure t
- :hook (((text-mode prog-mode) . jinx-mode))
- :bind (("C-;" . jinx-correct))
- :custom
- (jinx-camel-modes '(prog-mode))
- (jinx-delay 0.01))
-;;; Dictionary
-(setopt dictionary-use-single-buffer t)
-(setopt dictionary-server "dict.org")
-;;; Distraction mitigation
-;; Olivetti: Set the window margins so your text is centered
-(use-package olivetti
- :ensure t
- ;; Uncomment below to make olivetti-mode turn on automatically in certain modes
- ; :hook ((markdown-mode . olivetti-mode))
- )
diff --git a/init.el b/init.el
deleted file mode 100644
index cba11c8..0000000
--- a/init.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,256 +0,0 @@
-;;; ________ _______ __ __
-;;; / | / \ / | / |
-;;; $$$$$$$$/ _____ ____ ______ _______ _______ $$$$$$$ | ______ ____$$ | ______ ______ _______$$ | __
-;;; $$ |__ / \/ \ / \ / |/ | $$ |__$$ |/ \ / $$ |/ \ / \ / $$ | / |
-;;; $$ | $$$$$$ $$$$ |$$$$$$ /$$$$$$$//$$$$$$$/ $$ $$</$$$$$$ /$$$$$$$ /$$$$$$ /$$$$$$ /$$$$$$$/$$ |_/$$/
-;;; $$$$$/ $$ | $$ | $$ |/ $$ $$ | $$ \ $$$$$$$ $$ $$ $$ | $$ $$ | $$/$$ | $$ $$ | $$ $$<
-;;; $$ |_____$$ | $$ | $$ /$$$$$$$ $$ \_____ $$$$$$ | $$ |__$$ $$$$$$$$/$$ \__$$ $$ | $$ \__$$ $$ \_____$$$$$$ \
-;;; $$ $$ | $$ | $$ $$ $$ $$ / $$/ $$ $$/$$ $$ $$ $$ | $$ $$/$$ $$ | $$ |
-;;; $$$$$$$$/$$/ $$/ $$/ $$$$$$$/ $$$$$$$/$$$$$$$/ $$$$$$$/ $$$$$$$/ $$$$$$$/$$/ $$$$$$/ $$$$$$$/$$/ $$/
-;;; Minimal init.el
-;;; Contents:
-;;; - Basic settings
-;;; - Discovery aids
-;;; - Minibuffer/completion settings
-;;; - Interface enhancements/defaults
-;;; - Tab-bar configuration
-;;; - Theme
-;;; - Optional extras
-;;; - Built-in customization framework
-;;; Guardrail
-(when (< emacs-major-version 29)
- (error "Emacs Bedrock only works with Emacs 29 and newer; you have version %s" emacs-major-version))
-;;; Basic settings
-;; Package initialization
-;; We'll stick to the built-in GNU and non-GNU ELPAs (Emacs Lisp Package
-;; Archive) for the base install, but there are some other ELPAs you could look
-;; at if you want more packages. MELPA in particular is very popular. See
-;; instructions at:
-;; https://melpa.org/#/getting-started
-;; You can simply uncomment the following if you'd like to get started with
-;; MELPA packages quickly:
-;; (with-eval-after-load 'package
-;; (add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "https://melpa.org/packages/") t))
-;; If you want to turn off the welcome screen, uncomment this
-;(setopt inhibit-splash-screen t)
-(setopt initial-major-mode 'fundamental-mode) ; default mode for the *scratch* buffer
-(setopt display-time-default-load-average nil) ; this information is useless for most
-;; Automatically reread from disk if the underlying file changes
-(setopt auto-revert-avoid-polling t)
-;; Some systems don't do file notifications well; see
-;; https://todo.sr.ht/~ashton314/emacs-bedrock/11
-(setopt auto-revert-interval 5)
-(setopt auto-revert-check-vc-info t)
-;; Save history of minibuffer
-;; Move through windows with Ctrl-<arrow keys>
-(windmove-default-keybindings 'control) ; You can use other modifiers here
-;; Fix archaic defaults
-(setopt sentence-end-double-space nil)
-;; Make right-click do something sensible
-(when (display-graphic-p)
- (context-menu-mode))
-;; Don't litter file system with *~ backup files; put them all inside
-;; ~/.emacs.d/backup or wherever
-(defun bedrock--backup-file-name (fpath)
- "Return a new file path of a given file path.
-If the new path's directories does not exist, create them."
- (let* ((backupRootDir (concat user-emacs-directory "emacs-backup/"))
- (filePath (replace-regexp-in-string "[A-Za-z]:" "" fpath )) ; remove Windows driver letter in path
- (backupFilePath (replace-regexp-in-string "//" "/" (concat backupRootDir filePath "~") )))
- (make-directory (file-name-directory backupFilePath) (file-name-directory backupFilePath))
- backupFilePath))
-(setopt make-backup-file-name-function 'bedrock--backup-file-name)
-;;; Discovery aids
-;; Show the help buffer after startup
-(add-hook 'after-init-hook 'help-quick)
-;; which-key: shows a popup of available keybindings when typing a long key
-;; sequence (e.g. C-x ...)
-(use-package which-key
- :ensure t
- :config
- (which-key-mode))
-;;; Minibuffer/completion settings
-;; For help, see: https://www.masteringemacs.org/article/understanding-minibuffer-completion
-(setopt enable-recursive-minibuffers t) ; Use the minibuffer whilst in the minibuffer
-(setopt completion-cycle-threshold 1) ; TAB cycles candidates
-(setopt completions-detailed t) ; Show annotations
-(setopt tab-always-indent 'complete) ; When I hit TAB, try to complete, otherwise, indent
-(setopt completion-styles '(basic initials substring)) ; Different styles to match input to candidates
-(setopt completion-auto-help 'always) ; Open completion always; `lazy' another option
-(setopt completions-max-height 20) ; This is arbitrary
-(setopt completions-detailed t)
-(setopt completions-format 'one-column)
-(setopt completions-group t)
-(setopt completion-auto-select 'second-tab) ; Much more eager
-;(setopt completion-auto-select t) ; See `C-h v completion-auto-select' for more possible values
-(keymap-set minibuffer-mode-map "TAB" 'minibuffer-complete) ; TAB acts more like how it does in the shell
-;; For a fancier built-in completion option, try ido-mode,
-;; icomplete-vertical, or fido-mode. See also the file extras/base.el
-;(setopt icomplete-delay-completions-threshold 4000)
-;;; Interface enhancements/defaults
-;; Mode line information
-(setopt line-number-mode t) ; Show current line in modeline
-(setopt column-number-mode t) ; Show column as well
-(setopt x-underline-at-descent-line nil) ; Prettier underlines
-(setopt switch-to-buffer-obey-display-actions t) ; Make switching buffers more consistent
-(setopt show-trailing-whitespace nil) ; By default, don't underline trailing spaces
-(setopt indicate-buffer-boundaries 'left) ; Show buffer top and bottom in the margin
-;; Enable horizontal scrolling
-(setopt mouse-wheel-tilt-scroll t)
-(setopt mouse-wheel-flip-direction t)
-;; We won't set these, but they're good to know about
-;; (setopt indent-tabs-mode nil)
-;; (setopt tab-width 4)
-;; Misc. UI tweaks
-(blink-cursor-mode -1) ; Steady cursor
-(pixel-scroll-precision-mode) ; Smooth scrolling
-;; Use common keystrokes by default
-;; Display line numbers in programming mode
-(add-hook 'prog-mode-hook 'display-line-numbers-mode)
-(setopt display-line-numbers-width 3) ; Set a minimum width
-;; Nice line wrapping when working with text
-(add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'visual-line-mode)
-;; Modes to highlight the current line with
-(let ((hl-line-hooks '(text-mode-hook prog-mode-hook)))
- (mapc (lambda (hook) (add-hook hook 'hl-line-mode)) hl-line-hooks))
-;;; Tab-bar configuration
-;; Show the tab-bar as soon as tab-bar functions are invoked
-(setopt tab-bar-show 1)
-;; Add the time to the tab-bar, if visible
-(add-to-list 'tab-bar-format 'tab-bar-format-align-right 'append)
-(add-to-list 'tab-bar-format 'tab-bar-format-global 'append)
-(setopt display-time-format "%a %F %T")
-(setopt display-time-interval 1)
-;;; Theme
-(use-package emacs
- :config
- (load-theme 'modus-vivendi)) ; for light theme, use modus-operandi
-;;; Optional extras
-;; Uncomment the (load-file …) lines or copy code from the extras/ elisp files
-;; as desired
-;; UI/UX enhancements mostly focused on minibuffer and autocompletion interfaces
-;; These ones are *strongly* recommended!
-;(load-file (expand-file-name "extras/base.el" user-emacs-directory))
-;; Packages for software development
-;(load-file (expand-file-name "extras/dev.el" user-emacs-directory))
-;; Vim-bindings in Emacs (evil-mode configuration)
-;(load-file (expand-file-name "extras/vim-like.el" user-emacs-directory))
-;; Org-mode configuration
-;; WARNING: need to customize things inside the elisp file before use! See
-;; the file extras/org-intro.txt for help.
-;(load-file (expand-file-name "extras/org.el" user-emacs-directory))
-;; Email configuration in Emacs
-;; WARNING: needs the `mu' program installed; see the elisp file for more
-;; details.
-;(load-file (expand-file-name "extras/email.el" user-emacs-directory))
-;; Tools for academic researchers
-;(load-file (expand-file-name "extras/researcher.el" user-emacs-directory))
-;;; Built-in customization framework
- ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
- ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
- ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
- ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
- '(package-selected-packages '(which-key)))
- ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
- ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
- ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
- ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
- )
-(setq gc-cons-threshold (or bedrock--initial-gc-threshold 800000))
diff --git a/substrate.el b/substrate.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6dc93a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/substrate.el
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+;;; .⌒. ▗▄▄▖▗ ▖ ▗▖ ▗▄ ▄▄ ▄▄ ▗ ▖▗▄▄ ▄▄ ▄▄▄▖▗▄▄ ▗▖ ▄▄▄▖▗▄▄▖ ;;;
+;;; .# #. ▐ ▐▌▐▌ ▐▌ ▗▘ ▘▐▘ ▘ ▐▘ ▘▐ ▌▐ ▌▐▘ ▘ ▐ ▐ ▝▌ ▐▌ ▐ ▐ ;;;
+;;; / \ ▐▄▄▖▐▐▌▌ ▌▐ ▐ ▝▙▄ ▝▙▄ ▐ ▌▐▄▄▘▝▙▄ ▐ ▐▄▄▘ ▌▐ ▐ ▐▄▄▖ ;;;
+;;; (,,,___,,,) ▐ ▐▝▘▌ ▙▟ ▐ ▝▌ ▝▌▐ ▌▐ ▌ ▝▌ ▐ ▐ ▝▖ ▙▟ ▐ ▐ ;;;
+;;; ) ( ▐▄▄▖▐ ▌▐ ▌ ▚▄▘▝▄▟▘ ▝▄▟▘▝▄▄▘▐▄▄▘▝▄▟▘ ▐ ▐ ▘▐ ▌ ▐ ▐▄▄▖ ;;;
+;;; (___) ;;;
+;;; ;;;
+;;; init.el ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+;;; Guardrail
+(when (< emacs-major-version 29)
+ (error "Emacs Substrate only works with Emacs 29 and newer; you have version %s" emacs-major-version))
+;;; Custom variables
+(defgroup substrate nil "Custom options for substrate")
+(defcustom substrate-initialise-packages t
+ "Initialise the substrate package system (straight.el)"
+ :type 'boolean :group 'substrate)
+(defcustom substrate-enable-windmove t
+ "Enable windmove to hop around windows with ctrl+arrow"
+ :type 'boolean :group 'substrate)
+(defcustom substrate-display-startup-help t
+ "Show a help window on startup"
+ :type 'boolean :group 'substrate)
+(defcustom substrate-enable-which-key t
+ "Use which-key to list available key combos"
+ :type 'boolean :group 'substrate)
+(defcustom substrate-display-line-numbers t
+ "Display line numbers on buffers"
+ :type 'boolean :group 'substrate)
+(defcustom substrate-enable-cua-mode t
+ "Enable CUA mode or not"
+ :type 'boolean :group 'substrate)
+(defcustom substrate-configure-theme t
+ "Configure the default theme (evangelion) as part of the substrate init"
+ :type 'boolean :group 'substrate)
+(defun substrate-init ()
+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ ;;;
+ ;;; Basic settings
+ ;;;
+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ ;; Package initialization
+ ;;
+ (when substrate-initialise-packages
+ (defvar bootstrap-version)
+ (let ((bootstrap-file
+ (expand-file-name
+ "straight/repos/straight.el/bootstrap.el"
+ (or (bound-and-true-p straight-base-dir)
+ user-emacs-directory)))
+ (bootstrap-version 7))
+ (unless (file-exists-p bootstrap-file)
+ (with-current-buffer
+ (url-retrieve-synchronously
+ "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/radian-software/straight.el/develop/install.el"
+ 'silent 'inhibit-cookies)
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (eval-print-last-sexp)))
+ (load bootstrap-file nil 'nomessage)
+ (setq straight-use-package-by-default t)))
+ (setopt initial-major-mode 'fundamental-mode) ; default mode for the *scratch* buffer
+ (setopt display-time-default-load-average nil) ; this information is useless for most
+ ;; Automatically reread from disk if the underlying file changes
+ (setopt auto-revert-avoid-polling t)
+ ;; Some systems don't do file notifications well; see
+ ;; https://todo.sr.ht/~ashton314/emacs-bedrock/11
+ (setopt auto-revert-interval 5)
+ (setopt auto-revert-check-vc-info t)
+ (global-auto-revert-mode)
+ ;; Save history of minibuffer
+ (savehist-mode)
+ ;; Move through windows with Ctrl-<arrow keys>
+ (when substrate-enable-windmove
+ (windmove-default-keybindings 'control)) ; You can use other modifiers here
+ ;; Fix archaic defaults
+ (setopt sentence-end-double-space nil)
+ ;; Make right-click do something sensible
+ (when (display-graphic-p)
+ (context-menu-mode))
+ ;; Don't litter file system with *~ backup files; put them all inside
+ ;; ~/.emacs.d/backup or wherever
+ (defun substrate--backup-file-name (fpath)
+ "Return a new file path of a given file path.
+If the new path's directories does not exist, create them."
+ (let* ((backupRootDir (concat user-emacs-directory "emacs-backup/"))
+ (filePath (replace-regexp-in-string "[A-Za-z]:" "" fpath )) ; remove Windows driver letter in path
+ (backupFilePath (replace-regexp-in-string "//" "/" (concat backupRootDir filePath "~") )))
+ (make-directory (file-name-directory backupFilePath) (file-name-directory backupFilePath))
+ backupFilePath))
+ (setopt make-backup-file-name-function 'substrate--backup-file-name)
+;;; Discovery aids
+ ;; Show the help buffer after startup
+ (when substrate-display-startup-help
+ (add-hook 'after-init-hook 'help-quick))
+ ;; which-key: shows a popup of available keybindings when typing a long key
+ ;; sequence (e.g. C-x ...)
+ (use-package which-key
+ :ensure t
+ :if substrate-enable-which-key
+ :config
+ (which-key-mode))
+;;; Minibuffer/completion settings
+ ;; For help, see: https://www.masteringemacs.org/article/understanding-minibuffer-completion
+ (setopt enable-recursive-minibuffers t) ; Use the minibuffer whilst in the minibuffer
+ (setopt completion-cycle-threshold 1) ; TAB cycles candidates
+ (setopt completions-detailed t) ; Show annotations
+ (setopt tab-always-indent 'complete) ; When I hit TAB, try to complete, otherwise, indent
+ (setopt completion-styles '(basic initials substring)) ; Different styles to match input to candidates
+ (setopt completion-auto-help 'always) ; Open completion always; `lazy' another option
+ (setopt completions-max-height 20) ; This is arbitrary
+ (setopt completions-detailed t)
+ (setopt completions-format 'one-column)
+ (setopt completions-group t)
+ (setopt completion-auto-select 'second-tab) ; Much more eager
+ ;(setopt completion-auto-select t) ; See `C-h v completion-auto-select' for more possible values
+ (keymap-set minibuffer-mode-map "TAB" 'minibuffer-complete) ; TAB acts more like how it does in the shell
+ ;; For a fancier built-in completion option, try ido-mode,
+ ;; icomplete-vertical, or fido-mode. See also the file extras/base.el
+ ;(icomplete-vertical-mode)
+ ;(fido-vertical-mode)
+ ;(setopt icomplete-delay-completions-threshold 4000)
+;;; Interface enhancements/defaults
+ ;; Mode line information
+ (setopt line-number-mode t) ; Show current line in modeline
+ (setopt column-number-mode t) ; Show column as well
+ (setopt x-underline-at-descent-line nil) ; Prettier underlines
+ (setopt switch-to-buffer-obey-display-actions t) ; Make switching buffers more consistent
+ (setopt show-trailing-whitespace nil) ; By default, don't underline trailing spaces
+ (setopt indicate-buffer-boundaries 'left) ; Show buffer top and bottom in the margin
+ ;; Enable horizontal scrolling
+ (setopt mouse-wheel-tilt-scroll t)
+ (setopt mouse-wheel-flip-direction t)
+ ;; We won't set these, but they're good to know about
+ ;;
+ ;; (setopt indent-tabs-mode nil)
+ ;; (setopt tab-width 4)
+ ;; Misc. UI tweaks
+ (blink-cursor-mode -1) ; Steady cursor
+ (pixel-scroll-precision-mode) ; Smooth scrolling
+ ;; Use common keystrokes by default
+ (when substrate-enable-cua-mode
+ (cua-mode))
+ ;; Display line numbers in programming mode
+ (when substrate-display-line-numbers
+ (add-hook 'prog-mode-hook 'display-line-numbers-mode)
+ (setopt display-line-numbers-width 3)) ; Set a minimum width
+ ;; Nice line wrapping when working with text
+ (add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'visual-line-mode)
+ ;; Modes to highlight the current line with
+ (let ((hl-line-hooks '(text-mode-hook prog-mode-hook)))
+ (mapc (lambda (hook) (add-hook hook 'hl-line-mode)) hl-line-hooks))
+;;; Tab-bar configuration
+ ;; Show the tab-bar as soon as tab-bar functions are invoked
+ (setopt tab-bar-show 1)
+ ;; Add the time to the tab-bar, if visible
+ (add-to-list 'tab-bar-format 'tab-bar-format-align-right 'append)
+ (add-to-list 'tab-bar-format 'tab-bar-format-global 'append)
+;;; Theme
+ (use-package evangelion-theme
+ :if substrate-configure-theme
+ :config (load-theme 'evangelion t))
+;;; Relegate automatic custom variables to their own file.
+ (setq custom-file (expand-file-name "custom-vars.el"))
+) ;; End substrate-init
+(provide 'substrate)
+;;; End of substrate.el