diff options
1 files changed, 100 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/03/ b/03/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad888e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/03/
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+#+title: Exploring VC
+* What is VC
+ VC is Emacs'default version-control integration. It is a framework
+ that supports multiple backends such as:
+ - Git
+ - Bazaar
+ - Subversion
+ - CVS
+ - more...
+We'll review 2 workflows, one with _git_ and one with _svn_.
+* Git
+ The typical git workflow consists of:
+ - Creating a repo
+ - Creating a feature branch
+ - Adding files
+ - Coding
+ - Commiting
+ - Pushing
+** Creating a repo
+ To create a repo, start by editing files in a new directory. Hop in
+ and hit =C-x v i=. You'll be asked to choose a backend. Select
+ =git= and your project will be initialised.
+** Create a feature branch
+ Hit the combo =C-u C-x v v= to create a new branch. Enter the
+ branch name you wish. Once created, the branch will not yet be
+ checked out. Do =C-x v r= to choose your newly created branch.
+** Adding files
+ Create the files as usual and code into them. To add to version
+ control, hit =C-x v i=.
+** Committing
+ To commit /the current file/, use VC's magical /"next step"/ command =C-x v v= and
+ enter the commit information.
+ To commit more than one change in one go, open up the /VC Dir/ with
+ =C-x v d=. Then mark all changes you want to commit together with
+ =m= (like in dired) and commit with =v=.
+** Pushing
+ Push by typing =C-x P=.
+** Pulling
+ You can push remote changes by using =C-x v +=.
+* SVN
+ The typical git workflow consists of:
+ - Pulling changes
+ - Adding files
+ - Coding
+ - Commiting
+** Adding files
+ Create the files as usual and code into them. To add to version
+ control, hit =C-x v i=.
+** Committing
+ To commit /the current file/, use VC's magical /"next step"/ command =C-x v v= and
+ enter the commit information.
+ To commit more than one change in one go, open up the /VC Dir/ with
+ =C-x v d=. Then mark all changes you want to commit together with
+ =m= (like in dired) and commit with =v=.
+** Pushing
+ Push by typing =C-x P=.
+** Pulling
+ You can push remote changes by using =C-x v +=.
+* Common actions
+** View logs
+ To view the project log, hit =C-x v ==.
+** Blame
+ To annotate a file (git blame), type =C-x v g=.