path: root/02/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '02/')
1 files changed, 104 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/02/ b/02/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b87d72f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/02/
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+#+title: Project.el
+* Why use project management?
+ Project management simplifies people's workflow across multiple
+ projects.
+ Multi-project workflow without project management is confusing
+ - Each project can contain files with the same name (=Makefile=,
+ - One emacs frame could contain a mix of buffers from multiple
+ projects
+ - Managing a separate emacs frame per project can be disadvantageous
+ + No global search across projects buffers
+* Options
+** Projectile
+ Developped by Bozhidar Batsov since 2011, [[][Projectile]] is the popular
+ option for project management in Emacs.
+** Project.el
+ Project.el has been part of emacs since emacs 25! No installation
+ is required if your emacs is recent enough.
+* Tutorial
+** Project registration
+ Projects cand either be registered one-by-one or and entire
+ directory can be searched for projects that will be automatically
+ registered.
+*** Register projects one-by-one
+ Running =C-x p p= (switch project) will display a =... Choose a
+ dir= option, which allows the manual registration of a project
+ directory.
+*** Search a directory for projects to register
+ Use =M-x project-remember-projects-under= to crawl a directory and
+ register projects found in child directories.
+*** Completion
+ The list of known projects is fed to the standard emacs completion
+ system. It is therefore usable with most completion systems
+ (vertico in my case).
+** Basic management
+ Use =C-x p f= to open up a project file. Once files are open,
+ buffers can be listed with =C-x p b=. Mini-buffer completion works
+ for all these commands, making them easy to use.
+ The current project can be closed, with all associated buffers by
+ using the =C-x p k= keybind. Alternatively, the project can be
+ switched to another using the =C-x p p= shortcut.
+** Project-wide search
+ Searching through projects is an important. /Project.el/ provides
+ the default keybinding =C-x p g= to allow grepping through the
+ entire project folder. Moving through matches is quick and easy.
+** Search and replace
+ Basic refactoring operations often rely on project-wide
+ search-and-replace. This is handle with the keychord =C-x p r=,
+ which switches to the interactive search-and-replace interface. In
+ that interface, you can interactively choose what matches to skip
+ or replace or perform replacements in entire files.
+** Compilation
+ Invoke =C-x p c=, the command will run from the project's root.
+** Version control
+*** Magit
+ Magit can be opened with =C-x g= and uses the current project root.
+*** VC-mode
+ VC-mode is integrated in project.el and opened with =C-x p v=.
+** Open up a shell
+ A shell can be opened with =C-x p s=
+** Registered projects
+* Comparison to projectile
+ - Not as polished
+ - Not as much support from 3rd party libs (ripgrep for ex.)