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5 files changed, 192 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/05/ b/05/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5c380f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/05/
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+#+TITLE: Dired
+Dired is Emacs'file manager.
+* Use-cases for Dired
+ Run-of-the-mill file operations:
+ * Move/rename
+ * Copy
+ * Delete
+ * Create directories
+ * Compress
+ Batch file actions:
+ * Batch editing
+* Basic operations
+ To open a directory, either visit it like a file -- =C-x f <dir>= --
+ or explicitly open the directory with =C-x d <dir>=.
+** Refresh directory listing
+ Press =g= to refresh the diectory listing.
+** Creating a directory
+ Press =+= to create a new directory.
+** Copy files
+ To copy a single file, move the pointer onto it, press =C= and
+ select a name and path for it to be copied to.
+ To copy multiple files, /mark/ all the files that need copying by
+ pressing =m= onto them; then press =C= to copy all those files into
+ a directory. To unselect all files, press =U=.
+** Moving files
+ Moving files is similar to /copying/, but press =R= instead of
+ =C=. Moving a files is also the way to rename a file as the
+ behaviour is identical.
+** Deleting files
+ Deleting files also works in the same manner as /copying/, but with
+ the =D= keybind instead.
+** Compress files
+ To compress files, select them, then press =c= and choose an
+ archive name.
+* Batch editing
+ Batch renames are done with WDired, a special mode of Dired. Access
+ it by pressing =C-x C-q=.
+ When in WDired mode, you can edit the dired buffer as though it was
+ just text. Hit =C-c C-c= for all your changes to be actually applied
+ to the filesystem.
diff --git a/05/ b/05/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed440ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/05/
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+#+TITLE: Emacs shorts 01: Tramp, Dired and Undo
+* Undo
+ Emacs is very old as software goes. When it was created many
+ features we take for granted didn't exist yet, like C-x/C-c/C-v and
+ of course the undo/redo feature. Therefore Emacs'undo is quite
+ unusual, but very powerful.
+ [[./][Find out more]]
+* Dired
+ Dired is Emacs'bundled file management system. It is very powerful
+ and convenient.
+ [[./][Find out more]]
+* Tramp
+ Tramp is a framework bundled in Emacs to access remote -- or local
+ -- filesystems through rsh/rcp or ssh/scp.
+ [[./][Find out more]]
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..533a5c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/05/
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+#+TITLE: Emacs Tramp
+* Why would you want to use this?
+ Tramp is an abstraction layer for emacs to access filesystems on
+ remote machines, or the local machine as a different user. Its main
+ use-cases include:
+ * Editing/managing files remotely
+ * Editing a file as root (sudo)
+* Editing files remotely
+ The primary purpose of TRAMP is to edit files remotely. This can be
+ done by altering the file path that needs to be visited like so:
+ /[protocol]:[user]@[host]:[file-path]
+ For example editing =/etc/fstab= on a remote computer can be
+ achieved by visiting (C-x C-f):
+ /
+ Once the connection is established, you can use Emacs as normal to
+ edit the file.
+** Dired
+ Other modes of Emacs also support TRAMP, such as Dired. Using dired
+ with TRAMP is an effective way to manage files on a remote
+ computer.
+ To open a folder with Dired on a remote machine, either visit the
+ directory like you would a file, or use C-x d to visit the
+ directory with Dired directly.
+** Performance
+ TRAMP isn't particularly fast. It works well to edit code or
+ configuration files remotely, especially for one-offs. But it can
+ be quite slow and unwieldy for everyday use or to look at large
+ files (like log files).
+* Using tramp for Sudo
+ It's sometimes necessary to edit files as root on your local
+ machine, for example to adjust network settings or other. Using =vim=
+ in terminal is distasteful and opening Emacs as root would mean
+ lacking your beautiful configuration.
+ Tramp is useful to also edit files as root. To do so, visit a file
+ as usual but change the file path to:
+ /sudo::/[file-path]
+* Useful links
+ * [[][Tramp documentation]]
diff --git a/05/ b/05/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..398dc62
--- /dev/null
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+#+TITLE: Undo
+The ergonomy of Emacs pre-dates what is now accepted as convention for
+the usual copy/paste/undo systems, and so some things are very
+different. Undo is one of them.
+* Undoing
+ When starting to undo using a keybind like C-/, Emacs will
+ implicitly initiate an /undo sequence/. You can carry on hitting C-/
+ to go back in time until you've found what you wanted; any other
+ keybind will break the /undo sequence/.
+ The =undo= action itself is registered in Emacs'undo
+ system. Therefore, after breaking from an /undo sequence/, it's
+ possible to undo the undo action, which equates to re-doing.
+ This is a bit odd, but works quite well.
+* Useful links
+ * [[][Emacs manual: Basic Undo]]
+ * [[][Emacs manual: Undo]]
+ * [[][EmacsWiki: Undo tree (advanced undo)]]
diff --git a/ b/
index 2d119a3..6510b98 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,3 +1,14 @@
#+title: Emacs Livestreams
Repository for notes and documents accompanying my emacs livestreams.
+* Documentations
+ * [[./01/][Livestream 02 - Project.el]]
+ * [[./02/][Livestream 03 - VC]]
+ * [[./04/][Livestream 04 - Yasnippet]]
+ * [[./05/][Livestream 05 - Emacs shorts: Undo, Dired and Tramp]]
+* Livestreams
+ All livestreams are available [[][on my Youtube channel]].