# BARB-MODE Barb-mode is a major mode for emacs to edit and interact with request files for the [barb](https://gitlab.com/guillaume54/barb) HTTP query tool. ![Animated demo](demo.gif) ## Installation The supported method of installation is through the package manager [straight.el](https://github.com/radian-software/straight.el). In order to install barb-mode, add the following to your `init.el`: ```lisp (straight-use-package '(barb-mode :type git :host gitlab :repo "guillaume54/barb-mode")) ``` Then restart emacs. ## Usage The mode will be automatically loaded whenever a `.barb` file is visited. If you have chosen to use a different file extension, you can start the mode by typing `M-x barb-mode`. The mode provides syntax highlighting for the *barb* preamble and allows easy execution of the request directly in emacs by typing `C-c C-c`. ## Running a barb file In order to execute a barb file, the [barb](https://gitlab.com/guillaume54/barb#installation) executable must be installed on your system and on the `PATH`. Then pressing `C-c C-c` should work. If your barb executable cannot be found or has a different name than `barb`, you can configure *barb-mode* to use it instead like so: ```lisp (setq barb-mode-exec "/path/to/my/barb") ```